How to Block Pornhub. Tips for Parents

How to Block PornHub and porn sites
In the digital world, it's crucial to protect ourselves and our loved ones from inappropriate content that can negatively impact our well-being. One such platform that has garnered widespread attention is Pornhub. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the most effective methods for blocking access to Pornhub and similar adult websites, ensuring a safer browsing experience for everyone involved.

Understanding the Need for Blocking Adult Content

Access to explicit content online can have significant negative effects on mental health, relationships, and personal development. Blocking access to sites like Pornhub can help prevent these issues from arising and contribute to a healthier online environment. How to Block Pornhub

The Most Effective Ways to Block Pornhub

Parental Controls

Parental controls are a powerful tool for safeguarding the online experience of children and other family members. Various devices and operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, come with built-in parental control features that can be configured to block explicit content and prevent access to adult websites like Pornhub.


To set up parental controls on a Windows device:
  1. Open the Windows Settings app.
  2. Click on "Accounts."
  3. Select "Family & other users."
  4. Click "Add a family member."
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a child account.
  6. Once the account is set up, click on "Manage family settings online."
  7. Sign in to your Microsoft account and configure the appropriate content restrictions.


To set up parental controls on a macOS device:
  1. Open "System Preferences."
  2. Click on "Parental Controls."
  3. Select "Create a new user account with parental controls" and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Once the account is created, configure the appropriate content restrictions.

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions, such as BlockSite or StayFocusd, can be installed on popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge to block access to specific websites, including Pornhub. These extensions can be customized to block entire categories of websites or specific URLs.

Router Level Blocking

Blocking adult content at the router level is an effective way to prevent access to explicit websites across all devices connected to your home network. This can be done by accessing your router's settings and configuring content filters or blocking specific websites.

DNS Services

DNS services, like OpenDNS FamilyShield or CleanBrowsing, can help block access to adult content by filtering out explicit websites at the DNS level. To configure your device or router to use a DNS service, follow the instructions provided by the DNS provider.

Alternative Methods for Blocking Adult Content

Avosmart is one of the best parental control platforms, enabling parents to monitor and manage their children's screen time for games and websites. With Avosmart, parents can gain a detailed understanding of how much time their children spend on various media platforms. The Avosmart platform offers comprehensive monitoring of children's online activity, ensuring that parents stay informed about their children's digital habits. Avosmart boasts a highly effective algorithm for blocking restricted websites, providing immediate protection to devices once the platform is installed. Integrating Avosmart into your parental control strategy can significantly enhance your ability to safeguard your children's online well-being.

How to Unblock Websites When Necessary

There may be situations where you need to unblock a website temporarily, either for personal use or to grant access to a responsible adult. To unblock a website that has been blocked using one of the methods mentioned above, follow the appropriate steps:

Parental Controls

  1. Sign in to the administrator account on the device.
  2. Access the parental control settings, either through the operating system or the security software being used.
  3. Temporarily disable the content restrictions or remove the specific website from the blocked list.

Browser Extensions

  1. Open the browser extension's settings or options.
  2. Locate the blocked websites list or content filtering settings.
  3. Remove the specific website from the blocked list or temporarily disable the content filtering feature.

Router Level Blocking

  1. Access your router's settings by logging in to the router's web interface.
  2. Navigate to the content filtering or website blocking settings.
  3. Temporarily disable the content filtering feature or remove the specific website from the blocked list.

DNS Services

  1. Access the DNS settings on your device or router.
  2. Temporarily change the DNS settings back to your default DNS provider or another provider that doesn't filter adult content.
  3. Remember to revert the DNS settings back to the family-safe DNS provider once you're done.
Blocking access to adult websites like Pornhub is crucial for ensuring a safe and healthy online environment for yourself and your loved ones. By utilizing the various methods outlined in this guide, you can effectively prevent access to explicit content and contribute to a more secure and nurturing digital experience. Remember, however, that it's essential to communicate openly with your family about the potential dangers of adult content and the importance of responsible internet use.

Frequently Asked Questions. How to Block Pornhub?

Why is it important to block adult content for children and adolescents?

Blocking adult content is crucial for protecting children and adolescents from exposure to explicit material that can negatively impact their mental health, personal development, and relationships. By preventing access to adult websites like Pornhub, parents can foster a healthier and safer online environment for their children.

How can I use parental controls to block adult content on Windows and macOS devices?

Both Windows and macOS come with built-in parental control features that can be configured to block explicit content and prevent access to adult websites. You can set up a child account on these devices and then configure the appropriate content restrictions in the parental control settings.

Are browser extensions effective in blocking access to adult websites?

Yes, browser extensions like BlockSite or StayFocusd can be installed on popular browsers to block access to specific websites, including Pornhub. These extensions can be customized to block entire categories of websites or specific URLs.

Can I block adult content at the router level for all devices connected to my home network?

Yes, you can block adult content at the router level by accessing your router's settings and configuring content filters or blocking specific websites. This will prevent access to explicit websites across all devices connected to your home network.

What is Avosmart, and how can it help in protecting children from adult content?

Avosmart is a leading parental control platform that enables parents to monitor and manage their children's screen time for games and websites. With its highly effective algorithm for blocking restricted websites, Avosmart provides immediate protection to devices once installed, ensuring a safe online environment for children.