According to statistics, around 678,000 children face abuse in the United States alone. If we narrow it down, it comes to 9.2 children in every 1000 children in the United States. Now, if we dig deeper, around 7% of these children are sexual abuse victims, and 11% of them are physical abuse victims. In the year 2018, as a result of all these things, around 1800 children died. Here is the most shocking thing. From all these child abuse charges, most of them came from lawyers, police officers, teachers, and other professionals who were in contact with the child.
The onset and the increase in Internet usage have made it relatively easy for offenders to abuse children. But, we should remember that the tech is friendly or not as we make it. Various tech tools hold a high potential towards preventing the abuse of children. One such tool is geofencing. It is a technological innovation that can be highly essential in this regard. So, here is how you can keep your children safe with the use of geofencing apps.
It is essential to understand what geofencing is to know how it will help keep your children safe from child abuse. Now, we all are aware of GPS, which is the Global Positioning System, with all its uses. These GPS systems make use of ground stations, satellites, and receivers to show the exact position of a person or an object on our planet. It is used mainly in virtual maps for finding the precise location of a particular place. Many of us already use GPS in our phones and cars. We also use it in other devices to search the location of a friend or simply for navigating through the streets.
If you want to understand geofencing, we only need to enlarge the concept of GPS by pinpointing a location and also coming up with a boundary around it. We can develop invisible boundaries and fences in a place by using devices that have RFID software and GPS capabilities.
After creating a geofence, you can see it in your device as a virtual boundary. It receives reminders and alerts when a person or thing enters or leaves the geofence boundaries. It will only work if the item or the person carries a monitoring device of any sort with them. Objects like smartphones and tablets have a high level of compatibility with geofencing tech.
All in all, geofencing is a considerably smart tech that has various practical applications. You can use geofencing to send sales promotions or even to herd cattle. Commercial usage of geofencing tech is significantly increasing across the world. One of the most recent geofencing techs is in parental control tools to keep track of children's location.

How does child safety go hand in hand with geofencing
When it comes to utilizing technology, it is best to be a step ahead of your children. Now, here is how geofencing can help you secure your children by successfully setting up virtual parameters for your children.
Start by marking safe zones
Common examples of safe zones can be homes and schools. Parents can track their kids using laptops, tabs, and phones by setting the virtual boundaries around the safe zones. Doing these things will give the parents a clear idea about their children's location. Furthermore, there will be alerts that will be triggered when the kid crosses the virtual boundaries.
Alerts for no-safe zones
It is usual for a parent not to be comfortable about their children leaving the permissible boundaries. So, if you aren't okay with that, it is best to consider using geofencing apps that have the potential of triggering an alarm that will inform you when your children cross the virtual boundaries. Many times, offenders lure children into harmful and dangerous friendships. If you have a geofencing app, you will always know when there is a breach.
Keeping track of the teens who drive
If your child drives, it is a considerably intelligent move to set up a geofencing app for the vehicle. When the vehicle crosses the permissible boundary or leaves the allowed zones, the alarms will be triggered, which will notify you that your child has crossed the authorized zones.
How to maintain your children's online security?
Despite all these measures, it is essential to have a backup option to make sure that your children will be safe on the Internet. Avosmart is the best tool that will guarantee the security of your children online. It does many things, from keeping you filled in to not letting adult content come up when your child is online.
Using Avosmart, you can know what your children do on the Internet. You can know who they talk to and also get insights into their online activities. Furthermore, you can block the sites that have adult content. You can also block YouTube channels if they are potentially harmful to your children. Additionally, you can put time limits on apps to ensure that your children don't spend much time on them. It also helps in geofencing and lets you know the precise location of your children. All in all, Avosmart is a fantastic tool that will take care of your children on the Internet and make sure that they are safe.