Screen time app. How to Regulate Your Child's Screen Time before Bedtime?


Children nowadays would choose to watch the TV before reading a book any day. It’s more interactive, fun, and simple. Many families and children watch television before they go off for sleep. It can be hard not to, after a long day of work. After all, we all want to wind down and relax.

However, many studies have shown that screen time before bedtime can be detrimental to your child’s health. They can lead to sleeping problems—such as insomnia—poor health, loss of focus, etc. But regulating screen time can be something that’s challenging to control since screens are so addictive.

One way to make your task a lot easier is to use a screen time app, such as Avosmart. There are many parental control apps free for you to use, but Avosmart is among the best. You can set a time limit on games and the Internet. You can block certain apps, set a given time limit, or create an hourly schedule of your own! Not only this, but you can also check your child’s location. The best part? All of this can be done remotely. The application is free to download and free to use.

How Screens Affect Your Child’s Bedtime

First of all, the screens emit blue rays. These rays trick your brain into thinking it’s daylight when it’s not. They also delay the release of melatonin, an important hormone needed for sleep. However, this is only the physical factor of the damage screens can cause. Have you ever lost track of time scrolling through Instagram or your Facebook feed? Ever been distracted by something else on your phone when all you wanted to do was check the time? It is the psychological effect of screens. Exposing your child to screens right before bed will only fuel their addiction. Additionally, the blue rays make it hard for your child to let go of their device. As a result, their sleep is delayed or restricted.

However, delayed sleep is not the only issue. Lack of sleep can cause insomnia and depression, among other complications. It will lead to poor physical as well as mental health.

How Much Screen Time is Enough?

Now, you’re probably wondering how much screen time is enough for your child. There is a simple outline you can follow to ensure your child is getting the sleep they need:

● If your child is under 18 months of age, try to keep them away from screens altogether. ● After 18 months, you can begin to expose your child to screens. However, try to make their experience as educational as possible. Play interactive games, watch videos, do digital learning exercises, etc.

To best regulate your child, use the device with them whenever possible. This way, you can make sure that they are using the device wisely. You can also keep track of the time they spend on the screen using parental control apps free. Both you and your child will benefit from doing this.

screen time app

Managing Your Child’s Screen Time

Aside from a screen time app, there are other ways you can manage how much your child is exposed to a screen:

Create a Bedtime Routine

First of all, you can create a simple bedtime schedule that’s easy for you and your child to follow. Make sure that you are eliminating any distractions—such as screens—from this plan. The schedule can include anywhere from reading a book, listening to podcasts, to having playtime. Notice that these are all relaxing activities. If you keep practicing your schedule daily, it will stick.

Set a Time Limit

You can dedicate a certain amount of time for screens or block it out entirely. How you choose to do this up to you. You can either do this manually or use a screen time app. However, using parental control apps free proves to be a little more convenient. They can set an hour-based time limit, adjusted to your needs. As such, you can make sure that your child is ready for bedtime.

Maintain a Good Sleeping Environment

Forget managing screen time for a second. You can’t force a child to go to bed if it’s in a clutter. It needs to be enticing enough that they don’t struggle to sleep at night. Make sure that your child is sleeping in a place away from their device so that they are not compelled to use it. Lastly, make sure that their bed is comfy and that your child has other healthy activities before bed. It can include books, toys, etc.

Summing Up

You may know by now how screens can be so detrimental to a child’s health. They don’t just affect them physically, but mentally as well. That’s why it’s up to you to keep your child’s screen time in check. But getting your child to follow a sleep schedule can be quite challenging. You can always choose to make your own rules, but consider using a screen time app, such as Avosmart. A parental control app will allow you to add screen restrictions and time limits. It is also free to use and access. Furthermore, you can set a bedtime routine for your child to follow each night. Perhaps consider setting a “no screens” rule. And lastly, make sure your child is sleeping in an environment where they are not compelled to use their phone.