What's going on with Instagram Kids?

What's going on with Instagram Kids

Many believe that the latest venture by Facebook to bring about Instagram for kids is a masterpiece. However, numerous people also believe that it is unnecessary. Currently, no one can say for sure whether it will ultimately be developed or not. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms currently. Bringing a children's version for the same could be quite beneficial. But aren't most kids on Instagram already?

While kids must be given access to technology based on their needs, the solution Instagram has devised is a little off-putting. Additionally, a pint-size version of the main app won't solve its current server problems. In fact, a better solution would be to work on a patch for Instagram such that its security concerns could be targeted.

The new Instagram Kids app supposedly has some new parental control features. However, can't that be incorporated in the current application? Moreover, making a completely new application is just going to add to the confusion. Hence, Facebook has officially put the entire project on hold. They are now claiming that they shall use the time to keep in contact with parents, children, and policymakers. Although this may be wise, their grasps need to go more comprehensive if they wish to make the application a success.

Most kids are already online. Instagram kids app

In today's world, parents give their children mobile phones too early in their life. Sometimes, it's related to their own safety wherein they can call anyone if they require help. However, parents need to realize that this plan can backfire as well. Most tweens are already online on social media platforms. While many applications have age restrictions, it is not that hard to overcome those. Instagram Kids intends to help instill parental controls as well as safety. Thus, the idea and approach need to complement each other. Due to the same, Facebook has decided to pause the project.

children online

The new app intends to be mainly for tweens between the age of 10 to 12. Furthermore, the features would primarily focus on filtering content, eliminating ads, and including parental permissions. Any child would require their parent's permission even to open the app. Parents can also supervise the time a kid spends on the app and oversee who can message them. In this way, the application shall be entirely safe for kids.

Facebook is yet to reveal or develop many such features. Their recent success in establishing contact with parents and policymakers suggests a strong goal. Moreover, their idea seems fine among all individuals. Their ideology needs to change a bit so that the very goal of this new app can be achieved efficiently.

A considerable percentage of the population thinks that Instagram Kids is useless since most children are already connected. But recent data regarding mental health in teens suggests that the current version may not be the safest. Kids are constantly prone to insulting comments and toxic accounts. Additionally, many bots endorse illegal and adult activities. Hence, a new version for kids must come out, but Facebook needs to optimize it correctly.

Continuing focus on teen safety

Many reports in recent times have raised huge concerns about teen experiences on Instagram. Taking it into account, an entire course update is also certain. Numerous sources suggest that Instagram shall be revamped pretty soon. Hence, even the pause on Instagram Kids would influence how the main application functions. We need to focus more on tween safety until Instagram Kids comes out.

Parental controls can only get someone so far. Kids are smart enough to figure out ways to break parental controls. Supervision is a different matter altogether. If Instagram gives parents a way to get involved and monitor their child's activity, it is indeed a win-win situation. Instagram is constantly researching to determine problems in every area. The more problems they find, the more inspiration they have for better ideas and changes.

Contrary to popular belief, not all Instagram updates are bug fixes. Examples include their industry-leading anti-bullying work such as Restrict, Hidden Words, and Limits. Additionally, the recent change allowing Instagram accounts under 16 to be private by default has benefited them. Additionally, their work on negative body image is also up and coming by now. The new changes in the app would help teens take a break from the app temporarily. "Take a Break" is the feature where people could put their accounts on pause. It allows them to take a moment to consider whether the time they're spending is meaningful.

Enhance Parental Involvement

If you've looked for 'screen time recommendations,' it is evident that nobody has the same opinion in this department. Parents like to care for their children in their own unique ways. Considering all these complex deviations may be pretty tricky for Facebook. Thus, they must encourage parental involvement with their new patches. If parents are constantly involved in their children's digital lives, there is a better chance to stay protected.

In addition to some other apps, Avosmart is one handy software for monitoring your kid's activity. With an efficient firewall and some brilliant features, it truly helps you stay in the loop. The social media monitoring tool is an important one as it aids parents massively. You can track your child's chats on various apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. The software also enables safe search on your kid's Youtube and Google.

Hence, one can easily uplift their child's digital wellbeing by installing this brilliant software. With an excellent arsenal of features, Avosmart is an elementary tool for you and your children.