When to get child first phone? Best parental control app.


With the passage of almost every` minute, nearly the majority of the people want to invent something new that can get national and then internal fame. The examples of many scientists, people relating to every field of life, and children can be taken here. Those who belong to slum areas, who are deprived of even their most needed fundamental necessaries of life, and who do not have access to expensive and luxurious items that they need in the process of some invention or creativity, we have seen them on social media that how artistically they utilize unnecessary things picked up from some garbage, etc. Though it shows their creative and extraordinary nature, on the other hand, it also shows the curious nature of human beings.

Parental control app

The scientists and those who have invented the technology, have given their human fellow's such facilities with certain good intentions. But at the start, perhaps they were unaware of the fact that how these technological inventions can extremely harm the priceless lives of humans as well. Technology is introduced to facilitate humans in their life and day to day routine, it is not meant to become the life of people. Unfortunately, as time passes on, the excessive use of technology has devastated many precious lives. The very recent examples of this are Blue Whale and PUBG games. An English proverb rightly says that “Prevention is better than cure.” But no worries. We offer the best Parental Control Software that will help to monitor the activities of your children in more reliable ways.

parental control ios However, in this current age, smartphones have become so much trendy that we see new models of phones after a very short time. Whereas; the social status and the tradition of pomp and show urge all and sundry to get that new model at any cost. Now we understand that these smartphones or androids are more dangerous for the new and young generation.

The fact that how fast the kids can learn can never be denied because they do possess more capabilities of learning new things than adults. In this age of excessive use of technology, children know the usage of mobile phones. The children of nearly all ages want to have their personal cell phones so that they can use this device independently without any restriction. They have become obsessed with social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, TikTalk, video games, and such sort of many other paralyzing and non-creative activities. I remember the time when the usage of mobile phones was not this much common and few of the people had to access mobile phones while social media kind of stuff was not well known to the majority.

This was the time when the humanitarian elements were prevailing in society because people used to live in more interacting ways. They had a lot of time for their family, relatives. Friends, and neighbors. And the kids had a number of physical games to play which could ensure their mental and physical health. But the situation has become totally opposite in the case of kids’ upbringing and their learning. They are sometimes indulged in immoral activities while using a mobile phone and due to a lack of proper checks and balances from parents or elders, they have to face some fussy situations.

When to give the phone to a child?

The invention of mobile phones was only for the sake of the betterment of society. For instance; through mobile phones, the family, relatives, and friends can contact their loved ones who are living far away from them, who are living abroad. However, as far as the children are concerned, the cell phone is proved to be a monster that has zapped innocence, creativity, as well as the life of kids. A number of innocent minds have taken their lives by playing the Blue whale and PUBG games.

The background of this scenario suggests that children have nothing to do with mobile phones. Their age is meant to study and get involved in creative, healthy, and productive activities instead of using phones. Parents should not encourage them to be lost in mobile phones. Instead, they ought to think of other activities that can help their kids in making themselves healthier. The students should possess cell phones only at the stage when they pass the college level. After passing out from college, the parents should allow them to use personal cell phones. But the user should be restricted too and the children must be observed by the parents. In this way, the offsprings get to know that they are not much independent in this matter specifically and their use of mobile is bound in certain manners. Those who use phones for the sake of gaming and entertainment, their parents ought to find some healthy activities to sharpen the minds of the youngsters so that in future, their creativity will help them out in getting something extraordinary and fruitful.

Anyhow, to very much extent, it does depend on the parents and the behavior of the kids that either they should be given the cell phone before their coming mature or not. Due to the general perception and the devastation mostly caused by the use of mobile phones, the experts will also suggest that the decision of giving your children mobile phones before the college level will not be suitable and appreciative. As most of the kids are immature and they just want to overcome their complex of not having something extraordinary, so they yearn to show themselves a person who possesses a device that is perhaps much expensive. On the other side, some children also desire to have expensive mobile phones to negate their hidden sense of inferiority. That is how they, later on, are indulged in some immoral activities. Moreover, the games like PUBG and Blue Whale are also the examples of the negative impacts of mobile phones on kids’ lives because they can use this tool any time when no one is around them like at night.

Just rely on Parental Control Software for the purpose of effective monitoring of the activities of your children.