Importance of digital health and wellness

Importance of digital health and wellness

Are you struggling to spend quality time with your family because your phone is constantly ringing with notifications? Or are you anxious about how your social media profiles look? It is common because many of us living in the digital era face a unique dilemma.

It was different back in the day, unlike this generation, where people are always filled up with a lot of information from various sources. Now, the question is that what is digital wellness? And how is it important? Let's take a look at the significance of these things.

Digital wellness

It refers to the mental and physical health state of a person in the digital era. Moreover, digital wellness also points to the steps we take to control and improve the use of technology in a healthy way. For instance, reducing the Facebook screen time or monitoring and regulating the total time we spend on our phones to reduce it can contribute to improving digital wellness.

digital health

Why is digital wellness essential?

It is essential to learn to adapt and overcome the dangers that come with digital dependence. Because our technology is evolving with time, we are also spending more and more time on our phones with every passing day. The business of various companies depends on attracting new users and ensuring that they are engaged in their content. Thus, all of it leads to designing the best experiences they can offer online, be it for an addictive video game or for your social media feed.

It is also not surprising that the changes in our lifestyle and introduction to these lifestyles often lead to anxiety, depression, and other such conditions. Therefore, many tech companies have recently started to include digital wellness features in the services they offer. iOS 12 also has new features which help users to manage their phone use. Similarly, even the Android P has app timers that you can use to set time limits on app usage. Thus, it is great to say that the revolution of digital wellness has begun. Users must also stay aware of their screen time and phone usage. Fortunately, some tools can help you with these things and get you started with them.

Digital wellness during the coronavirus pandemic

2020 was an unexpected year, and it came with many challenges for almost all the people around the globe. Because of these things, there was a drastic increase in the relevance of digital wellness. A few months after the COVID-19 pandemic, people started to explore the advantages of yoga, home workouts, meditating, dieting, and detoxing. Here are some reasons.

Anxiety and mental health

According to a poll that found out that after companies issue stay-at-home orders, 47% of the people who were sheltered in place reported having adverse mental health effects related to COVID-19. There was an increase in anxiety and mental health problems. There was a new normal after COVID-19. So, with the new normal, loneliness, and isolation, all of it adds up to additional stress and anxiety. These issues will only escalate if there are no digital wellness practices.


From January to March alone, there were 18235 COVID reports and a loss of around 13.4 million USD because of fraud. Now, as more and more people are spending time working from home remotely or on the Internet, it is evident that there will be a rise in such fraudulent activities. These activities range from illegal calls with a prerecorded message to vaccine scams to phishing scams. Thus, it will be best to be vigilant of what you read on the Internet, which links you open, and what calls you accept.


When workers get shelter-in-place orders, it directly leads to a lifestyle that is lazy and passive. It happens because all they have to do is just work from their computers from the comfort of their homes without traveling anywhere. On the downside, such a lifestyle increases the risk of heart diseases and other health problems. Even children are at risk because they cannot attend school. Thus, it will be best to consider putting a time limit on the screens. Also, it will help if you take frequent breaks for stretching out, walking, jogging, going to the gym, and doing other activities that improve your physical health. One such tool that can help you limit your screen time is Avosmart.


It is a tremendous parental tool that can ensure that your child is safe when he/she visits the Internet. Furthermore, it has many great features, out of which, below are a few:

  1. You can block websites that have potentially harmful content so that your child cannot access it
  2. You can block pornographic sites or even apps and YouTube channels that are not fit for your children
  3. Avosmart lets you put a time limit on apps, after which the apps will lock themselves
  4. You can track your child's location with Avosmart
  5. You can also check which websites your child visits and who they talk to on the social media