Impact of social media influencers on your children Firstly, is your child on social media? If yes, then is he/she following any social media influencers? If we compare our teenage years with that of our children, we will notice that there are so many differences. The most significant difference is that social media and digital technology, to this extent, didn't exist back then. In comparison, ...

Here is what parents need to know about Discord
Have you heard your kid talk about Discord? If you have, this blog will let you know more about it because it is one of the most popular apps among today's generation. Indirectly, many teens are looking for things that hook them and kill their time. Discord is a place for kids of all interests who can come together and be with people of similar interests. They love being on Discord because of ...

Everything you need to know about digital footprints
Kids and even parents need to know that whenever they go online, they leave a digital footprint. It is like a trail on the Internet. When you leave an imprint in real life, for instance, your footsteps, you can always wipe it. But it is not the same on the Internet. You can never erase this digital footprint. Teenagers should be highly aware of it since they are the ones who are spending a lot of ...

What is grooming, and how to protect your kids from it?
There are many concerns in a parent’s mind about the online activities of their kids. Bullying, online theft are some common dangers online. There is a lot of risk from online predators, especially those who spend a lot of time trying to slip into children's lives. According to a study, 46% of children between the ages of 10 and 17 have given their personal details to strangers. Such ...

How Online Pornography Harms Children and Teens?
There has been a steep incline in the increase of Internet usage among children and teens in recent times. Honestly, it is not the best thing that has happened if we face the fact that the Internet is not safe for young children and teenagers. There is also an increase in the concern about the easy access to content that is not suitable for children, such as online pornography. According to ...

How to talk to your children about violent acts and hate speech?
There is an increase in protests about various matters. Considering how we are getting timely news updates about civil unrest worldwide, platforms for online conversations, social media, and apps like Meet, Zoom has become a place for heated debates. We witness discomfort while talking through challenging issues, but there is only one communication method that has a bad influence: hate speech....

Parental control Roblox. 5 tips and best practice. A Brief Parental Guide to Roblox
Gaming trends may come and go, but one game has reserved its spot for many years. Roblox is among the most popular games for children, and it has been there for a long time. But, the main question that concerns parents is if it is safe or not? Let's dig deeper into it. There is a lot of confusion regarding Roblox. It is not a single game. Furthermore, it is the largest user-generated gaming ...

Screen Time. A necessary evil. 3 Steps to protecting children
Over the past decade, technology has advanced every occupation in the world. Laptops, smartphones, tablets, Smart TVs, and consoles have taken over our lives. Thus, screen time has become a natural part of our day. While working, our laptops are our best friends since they enable us to perform whatever task has been given. Moreover, mobile phones have become a must for everyone. We talk on the ...

Parental Control for Fortnite. Best 5 tips.
For the past couple of years, there has been an incline in the number of children playing Fortnite, an online battle royale game. It starts with all players on a plane. The playing zone reduces with time, and there are around 100 players in the game. They have to fight and kill each other, and the last person alive wins the game. Fortnite is extremely popular among children nowadays, and it's ...

5 things that keep children hooked on apps
In the early days, B.F. Skinner, a psychologist, created an operant conditioning chamber, which is widely known as the skinner box. A rat is in the box, and it will get a food pellet if it hits a lever. Thus, all it tries to do is work it. We are smarter than rats, but social media and apps try to do the same things. Eventually, kids glue themselves to it. However, one way you can keep the ...

5 ways to guarantee your family’s digital wellbeing
A lot of families, especially parents, are concerned about the impact of technology on their kids. These are the building blocks, and not paying proper attention can have a huge impact. Using the phone a lot can have a severe impact on the mental and physical health of the child. Ever since our world started moving towards technology, things have become more complicated. Despite parents and kids ...

How to Keep Your Child’s Online Privacy and Data Secure. Check 4 Tips
Child’s Online Privacy and Data Secure Teaching your children to use the Internet safely is an essential thing. Kids these days start using electronic devices at a very young age. In such cases, keeping their privacy and data security becomes a major concern because online material is readily available. The Internet has the answer to the strangest questions, and it can help you out with almost ...

5 Ways Children Can Use Social Media for Good
Children mental health There are many negatives to social media, like cyberbullying. But, everything is not negative about social media. Many teens consider that social media is positive, irrespective of its flaws. There have been many protests against cyberbullying, thanks to social media. It is all because of the savvy use of social media. Furthermore, it is of benefit when children connect ...

Top Parents Guide to TikTok
Falling behind your kids or tracking every single of their social media activities can be a difficult task. Furthermore, understanding new apps become more challenging for parents. One such app is TikTok. You can make music videos and videos of similar sorts on TikTok. You can select the music, shoot the video on your device, and use the app's editing tools to polish your video, but there is a ...

How to Avoid Eye Strain in Kids?
Most of our parents and grandparents used to tell us that sitting too close to the TV or spending too much time on screens has adverse effects. Some even used to say that we might go blind. That is not a fact, but there was a reason for them telling us all of it. For the last fifty years, there is a 50% increase in Myopia cases. It is when you can't see the objects that are away from you. ...